
From RobotinoWiki


Xbox bluetooth 64.png This page explains how to connect a XBox One Controller to Robotino via Bluetooth.

Bluetooth USB adapter

  • Asus BT211

XBox Wireless Controller

Xboxcontroller with bluetooth.png

Your controller must look like the controller marked with the blue rectangle. Only these devices support bluetooth.

Ubuntu 16.04

apt-get install sysfsutils
echo "module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm=1" >> /etc/sysfs.conf

After editing /etc/sysfs.conf reboot Robotino. Power on your XBox controller. Press your XBox controller's connect button for 3 seconds. Xbox controller connect button.png

Click the bluetooth symbol in the upper right corner of the Ubuntu desktop and select bluetooth settings. Ubutnu 1604 bluetooth.png

Add a new device by clicking the "+" button. Select your xbox controller. Xbox controller bluetooth settings.png

After reboot or when your XBox controller powered off you have to establish the bluetooth connection again. Power on your XBox Controller. Press your XBox controller's connect button for 3 seconds. It takes about 60s for the XBox Controller to reconnect to Robotino again. Be patient.

From terminal (the MAC addresses of your devices will be different)

root@robotino:~# bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:02:72:1E:94:4A robotino [default]
[NEW] Device EC:83:50:D9:A2:15 Xbox Wireless Controller
[bluetooth]# connect EC:83:50:D9:A2:15
Attempting to connect to EC:83:50:D9:A2:15
Connection successful
[CHG] Device EC:83:50:D9:A2:15 Modalias: usb:v045Ep02E0d0903

To prevent connect/disconnect

echo "UserspaceHID=true" >> /etc/bluetooth/input.conf


Edit /etc/bluetooth/main.conf

FastConnectable = true
AutoEnable = true